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Southampton Chiropractor
Cohen Family Chiropractic
Dr. Andrew Cohen
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Adult Care

People seek care in our office for the following reasons:
Wellness Care
To improve their quality of life
Stress overload
Back pain
Neck pain
Shoulder problems
Hip issues
Low energy
Poor posture
Sports injuries and to improve sports performance
Digestion concerns
Disc and/or spinal degeneration
Poor balance
Sinus pressure
Vertigo and ear concerns
Quality of life support with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's and other degenerative diseases.
While we have seen people get results with all these conditions, we do not 'treat' the above conditions nor do we guarantee any cures.
The nervous system is so vital to healing and health, the restoration of that vital communication often results in a return to health.
Gajinder K.
***** Andrew is the best chiropractor I’ve had and I have been seeing them regularly since a school screening at age 12 showed I had scoliosis. He is the only chiropractor who has been able to adjust my neck well and he does it so gently, I sometimes cannot believe the amazing results I’ve seen in just the past few weeks! Now that my neck is moving freely, my bite has changed (for the better) and I no longer clench and grind my teeth in my sleep. I am watching my body rebalance.
The vast majority of adults we see are dealing with cumulative stress overload. For many it comes from sitting at a desk in front of computer 8 hours a day, 5 days a week year in and year out. For others, they can feel the personal and family stress wearing away their body. Tight shoulders, clenched teeth, poor sleep and low energy are clear signs that stress is building up in the body.
It is vital that you follow the recommended schedule of care. This corrective stage is necessary for short term results and long term stability.
Chiropractic care is concerned with the communication system between your brain and your body and your body back to your brain. Nearly all this vital communication occurs via the spine.
Numerous types of physical, chemical and emotional stress can misalign your back bones and interfere with the vital communication of the nervous system. We call this interference Subluxation.
My job as a chiropractor is to evaluate the severity of the subluxations, establish a clear plan to correct them and support you for lifetime wellness.
The stress of life never ends so we recommend regular wellness check-ups so that you do not backslide into old patterns and continue to enjoy a high quality of life regardless of age.
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